Why not begin to unlock the secrets of your life through a Palmistry reading. Palmistry or Hand Analysis reveals so much about a person. Some aspects covered will include: one to one relationships, business sense, creativity, communications, self confidence and individual traits. The reading offers the opportunity of improving insight into one’ s character through the lines and markings on the hand.
Some of the aspects covered by Palmistry are: Defining the shape of the hand, which will fall into one of four shapes which are named after the elements we have around us of Air, Earth, Fire or Water. These also happen to be the elements which the zodiac signs fall into.
Air covers Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Earth covers Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Fire covers Aries, Leo and Sagitarius. Water covers Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
The major lines on the hand, indicate to a Palmist how a person deals with –
- the emotional side of their life can be seen by looking at the Heart Line
- how a person thinks and not their level of intelligence, can be seen by looking at the Head Line.
- their path in life can be seen by looking at the Fate Line (or Line of Destiny).
- their energy and vitality can be estimated by looking at the Life line.
- each finger deals with certain aspects of our lives, its individual shape and the fingernail show how the person deals with that aspect .
Jupiter (first finger) tells a lot about the personality or ego.
Saturn (middle finger) deals with the serious responsibilities such as work, education , business.
The finger of Apollo (ring finger) deals with creativity, the arts, music and everything that is beautiful.
Mercury (little finger) deals with communication and love life.
- the thumb is like a rudder on a boat and steers the person to make the most of their individual qualities
- the minor markings on a hand indicate all sorts of traits such as a caring person, musical talent, sense of humour and much much more.
A lot of clients find a reading very interesting but also enlightening. Once we understand where difficulties may have arisen we can begin to solve lots of life’s problems ourselves.
Why not begin to unlock the secrets of your life through a Palmistry reading. Palmistry or Hand Analysis reveals so much about a person. Some aspects covered will include: one to one relationships, business sense, creativity, communications, self confidence and individual traits. The reading offers the opportunity of improving insight into one’ s character through the lines and markings on the hand.
Some of the aspects covered by Palmistry are: Defining the shape of the hand, which will fall into one of four shapes which are named after the elements we have around us of Air, Earth, Fire or Water. These also happen to be the elements which the zodiac signs fall into.
Air covers Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Earth covers Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Fire covers Aries, Leo and Sagitarius. Water covers Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
The major lines on the hand, indicate to a Palmist how a person deals with –
- the emotional side of their life can be seen by looking at the Heart Line
- how a person thinks and not their level of intelligence, can be seen by looking at the Head Line.
- their path in life can be seen by looking at the Fate Line (or Line of Destiny).
- their energy and vitality can be estimated by looking at the Life line.
- each finger deals with certain aspects of our lives, its individual shape and the fingernail show how the person deals with that aspect .
Jupiter (first finger) tells a lot about the personality or ego.
Saturn (middle finger) deals with the serious responsibilities such as work, education , business.
The finger of Apollo (ring finger) deals with creativity, the arts, music and everything that is beautiful.
Mercury (little finger) deals with communication and love life.
- the thumb is like a rudder on a boat and steers the person to make the most of their individual qualities
- the minor markings on a hand indicate all sorts of traits such as a caring person, musical talent, sense of humour and much much more.
A lot of clients find a reading very interesting but also enlightening. Once we understand where difficulties may have arisen we can begin to solve lots of life’s problems ourselves.